Munay-Ki Rites

~ The Next Step in Evolution ~

9 Rites Transmitted in 3 Sessions

NOTE: If you are interested in dates or locations or want to start your own group, please contact me: or 303-349-2044. Groups can be started at any time.

A message from Alberto Villoldo: “[The Munay-Ki] rites are not only stages of initiation, but perhaps steps for the evolution of humanity. As nations fight for bits of territory and battle over land, we must find the wisdom to create peace among all peoples. As our space telescopes show us images of a vast and immeasurable Universe, we must find a human story that is inclusive of the stars. And as our ability to destroy the world increases, we are called to step up to the task of assuming stewardship for all creation.

In essence, the rites are about stewardship. They are not ego-awards or recognition of any kind of achievement, nor do they make anyone special. On the contrary, they make one uniquely unimportant. Only then, from a position of no-ego, can we truly be of service.

During their visits to the USA, the Inka pointed out that the rites were not for us individually; they were for others, to be shared. It has been my experience that they do not blossom unless we give them away with great Munay, with love.”

Alberto Villoldo PhD
March 2007

Traditionally, these Rites were available only to people on the Shamanic path. These Rites are now being offered to you because the Elder Shamans believe that we are at a critical juncture in human history and that the Munay-Ki Rites need to be transmitted to as many people as possible. According to the prophecies of the ancient Americas, when enough people receive these rites, others will be drawn along into this new consciousness and we will witness the dawn of a new civilization based on peace and love.

Originally, the Peruvian Q’ero, lightworkers of the Andes, shared these energetic processes to clear an individual’s body, mind and soul of heavy energies. Now the nine rites offer protection, stimulate intuition, release heavy energies from the body and mind, and align soul with it’s higher purpose.

The Munay-Ki are especially helpful in these challenging times of great change. The rites help us to align with our soul’s journey and move forward fearlessly with integrity towards whom we are becoming. They offer us the opportunity to clear what no longer serves us and bring into our lives energies that awaken our potential as beings of light and love.

The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet – one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki are the codes for the new human. They are delivered in the form of energetic transmissions as initiation rites.


Foundation Rites

Lineage Rites

Rites to Come

To Register Contact:



Junia Gail Imel

Junia Gail Imel is the owner and operator of Divine Adventures. She is considered a premier tour advisor for divine journeys around the world. She earned this designation when she began creating magical divine adventures for others after her own journey to learn to live her life as a Divine Adventure.

In 2002, Junia took a quantum leap. She left her MBA degree and successful twenty-five year leadership career in advanced technology and education to discover the world from a new perspective — her own intuitive awareness. Courageously following an inner call, she spent 6 months traveling solo in Peru where she was invited into ritual with the Q’ero, Shipibo and medicine men/women. There she spent time studying with indigenous shamans, curanderas, spiritual guides and mystics. Her life was changed forever. . .

During her first trip to South America, Junia participated in the Merrayabo Tsintikash Jiwiki Bewakani Ritual Ceremony - a ritual to heal the master plants of the world - conducted by Shipibo-Conibo shamans. The shamans bestowed upon her, her Shipibo name "Inin Beka" which means 'sweet smelling protective cloth.' Since that moment, she opened to the calling and has become a master of holding sacred space so others can journey within; safely and fully protected.

And now she has merged her love of adventure and her natural leadership into a unique travel experience called, Divine Adventures. Here one journeys to inner and outer worlds to unleash innate wisdom and genius. She leads sacred journeys for groups or individuals into various places of Peru including Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley, Lake Titicaca and Amazon as well as other sacred places around the world. She is planning other exquisite trips in the future that combine service with personal expansion and transformation. (